For me personally, it's very edifying to see the enthusiasm of the students. We're opening up the scriptures in a way that perhaps they were never taught before.
With this course we cover all aspects of our faith in a sense, the Bible, from the beginning of the Church, how it started, the New Testament, but also we cover the Old Testament: how God created the earth, right through to the Patriarchs and the Kings. And we also, more importantly we discuss and teach theology and what it actually means, what our faith means. Within that we have Church life and Church function and how we practice it today.
The purpose of the course ultimately is to get people excited about studying the Bible, because we do read the Bible but not many of us study it and there's a difference. We give tools to show people where to study or how to study. For example, within scripture itself there is a story and the way that the Bible is written, particularly in the Old Testament, it's not by accident, so we give pointers to look at dates and the meanings of the words and places, the meanings of people because they have their story within itself; direction day and night, they all have connotations and it's God saying something to the reader as well. Ultimately it's to enhance their spirituality. Reading the Bible is one aspect of getting to know who God is in their lives.
The course is for anyone, but also the course is geared towards ministers who have been called into ministry or they feel they have been called into ministry because we cover the ministries, the five-fold ministry, how the Church was governed by using the Biblical scriptures, by the apostolic authority and that can be taken on board on how to govern a Church. So it's very important for ministers, because even though God has called them into ministry, sometimes they need to have direction in teaching as well, because teaching is a very important aspect of Church life. I'm not saying it's neglected but it's a gifting that needs to be rekindled in Christendom.
This course is geared to people that are in ministry or have a calling to be into Ministry. For example Pastors and teachers etc, because it covers a lot of the early Church structure and how the Apostles taught the disciples and how the Church grew. It's all about structure, and instilling principles in which God has instilled into the prophets and the prophets instilled into the disciples. It's almost like a heritage that God has instilled into the prophets and instilled into the disciples. It's like a heritage that's passed down.
This course began, it is the vision of the President of the Ixthus Church Council, Archbishop Evangelou who I've had the privilege of being taught by him. His teaching ministry has Apostolic heritage and it's very rich. Archbishop Evangelou founded the course to help ministers in their calling and ministry and to really get them to think about studying the scripture as one of the aspects of teaching is teaching others to read the Bible. In a sense it's passing on a wisdom or a knowledge onto other people and we've been privileged by the richness of the teaching of Archbishop and the Apostolic heritage as well. We have a lot of resources purely because of what we've been taught over the years and this has been instilled in the course
(and I believe that's why it's flourishing).